Category: Vision

  • How I see it … finding the best, replacing them and realising you are promoting a societal stereotype

    How I see it … finding the best, replacing them and realising you are promoting a societal stereotype

    When some of my acquaintances lose a pair of sunglasses, I hear the phrase, “I will just buy another cheap pair…”. I wish it was that easy and didn’t involve navigating a stereotype. Over a week ago, I misplaced (likely on the bus) my sunglasses. I did the usual things like phone the bus company…

  • How I see it … societal assumptions

    How I see it … societal assumptions

    I hope others learn from the stories and reflections I share on this page. With this in mind, I would like to share a story from last week to illustrate how societal assumptions affect individuals and influence others. This started with a bus journey. On the way home from work, Guide Dog Sienna and I…

  • The adventures of Guide Dog Sienna …. Responding to your Guide

    The adventures of Guide Dog Sienna …. Responding to your Guide

    Most of my posts are sharing the difference working with a Guide Dog has made for me. Hands down, it has been amazing, positive and dare I say life-changing. However, I wanted to express that there can be less than optimal times too. When we work as a team, there is cohesiveness. We both read…

  • How I see it … speaking out, equity societal assumptions

    Last week I was writing an abstract for a conference presentation that looked at the perceptions of accessibility in digital health from a consumer, clinician and developer perspective and it led me to reflect on assumptions and perspectives each sector brings. This reflection led me to think about the impact of how much we share…